Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A New Season

I love watching the seasons change, and the start of Fall is no exception. The days are perfectly mild, the nights are crisp, and the sky seems endlessly blue. There are fairs and festivals of all kinds, and farmers' markets offer you the bounty of the end of Summer coupled with the first harvests of Autumn. It's a soothing and reinvigorating respite before the harsh cold of Winter.

Of course, there are drawbacks as well: the days are increasingly shorter, your heat-loving plants are starting to fade, and there is a gratuitous use of pumpkin in everything from cookies to beer. But there is plenty of opportunity here, too. Greens and peas can have another go in the garden, mums and asters can adorn your front porch, and a good blaze in the fire pit will keep all but the worst evening chill away. Take your friends and family through a corn maze, pick your own apples at an orchard, or simply take a drive when you notice the leaves starting to turn. And yes, eat and drink as many things with pumpkin in it as you possibly can ;-)

But most of all, enjoy!


autumn squash farm market
The markets are ready for Fall.

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